Lab members are in bold, * Co-first authors,

Tavernari D. , Battistello E. , Dheilly E., Petruzzella A.S., Mina M. , Sordet-Dessimoz J.,
Peters S., Krueger T., Gfeller D., Riggi N., Oricchio E., Letovanec I.
and Ciriello G.(2021) Non-genetic evolution drives lung adenocarcinoma spatial heterogeneity and progression . Cancer Discovery, 11, 1490-1507
Mina M., Iyer A., Tavernari D., Raynaud F. and Ciriello G. (2020)
Discovering functional evolutionary dependencies in human cancers .
Nature Genetics, 52, 1198-1207
- "Evolutionary dependencies show paths to cancer development" Martin S. Taylor, Nat. Genetics
Featured in Nature Cancer Milestones
Dheily, E.*, Battistello E.*, Katanayeva N., Sungalee S., Michaux, J., Duns G., Wehrle S., Sordet-Dessimoz J.,
Mina M., Racle J., Farinha P., Coukos G., Gfeller D., Mottok A., Kridel E., Correia B.E.,
Steidl C., Bassani-Stenberg M., Ciriello G., Zoete V., Oricchio E. (2020)
Cathepsin S Regulates Antigen Processing and T Cell Activity in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma .
Cancer Cell, 5, 674-689
Donaldson-Collier M.C.*, Sungalee S.*, Zufferey M.*, Tavernari D.*,
Katanayeva N., Battistello E., Mina M., Douglass K., Rey T., Raynaud F., Manley S.,
Ciriello G., Oricchio E.
(2019) EZH2 oncogenic mutations drive epigenetic, transcriptional, and structural changes within topologically associating domains.
Nature Genetics,
Zeng Q., Michael I.P, Zhang P., Saghafinia S., Knott G., Jiao W.,
McCabe B.D., Galván J.A., Robinson H.P.C., Zlobec I., Ciriello G., Hanahan D. (2019)
Synaptic proximity enables NMDAR signalling to promote brain metastasis .
Nature, 573, 526-531
Cheng W-C., Tsui Y-C., Ragusa S., Koelzer V.H., Mina M., Franco F., Läubli H., Tschumi B.,
Speiser D., Romero P., Zippelius A., Petrova T.V., Mertz K., Ciriello G., Ho P-C. (2019)
Uncoupling protein 2 reprograms the tumor microenvironment to support the anti-tumor immune cycle .
Nat. Immunology, 20, 206-217
Sanchez-Vega F.*, Mina M.*, Armenia J.*, Chatila W.K., Luna A., La K.C., Dimitriadoy S., Liu D.L., Kantheti H.S., Saghafinia S.,
Chakravarty D., Daian F., Gao Q., Bailey M.H., Liang W., Foltz S.M., Shmulevich I., Ding I., Heins Z., Ochoa A., Gross B., Gao J., Zhang H., Kundra R., Kandoth C., Bahceci I., Dervishi L., Dogrusoz U., Zhou W., Shen H., Laird P.W., Way G.P., Greene C.S., Liang H., Xiao Y., Wang C., Iavarone A., Berger A.H., Bivona T.G., Lazar A.J., Hammer G.D., Giordano T., Kwong L.N., McArthur G., Huang C., Tward A.D., Frederick M.J., McCormick F., Meyerson M., The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network, Van Allen E.M., Cherniack A.D.,
Ciriello G., Sander C.
, Schultz N
. (2018) Oncogenic Signaling Pathways in The Cancer Genome Atlas . Cell, 173(2), 321-337
Battistello E., Katanayeva N., Dheilly E., Tavernari D., Donaldson M.C., Bonsignore L., Thome-Miazza M., Christie A.L., Murakami M.A., Michielin O.,
Ciriello G., Zoete V., Oricchio E. (2018)
Pan-SRC kinase inhibition blocks B-cell receptor oncogenic signaling in non-Hodgkin lymphoma .
Blood, 131(21), 2345-2356
- Oricchio E., Katanayeva N., Donaldson M.C., Sungalee S., Pasion J.P., Béguelin W., Battistello E., Sanghvi V.R., Jiang M., Jiang Y., Teater M., Parmigiani A., Budanov A.V., Chan F.C., Shah S.P., Kridel R., Melnick A.M., Ciriello G. and Wendel H-G. (2017) Genetic and epigenetic inactivation of SESTRIN1 controls mTORC1 and response to EZH2 inhibition in follicular lymphoma, Science Trans. Med., 9, 396
- Ciriello G.*, Gatza M.L.*, Bexk A.H., Wilkerson M.D., Rhie S.K., Pastore A., Zhang H., McLellan M., Yau C., Kandoth C., Bowlby R., Shen H., Hayat S., Fieldhouse R., Lester S.C., Tse G.M.K., Factor R.E., Collins L.C., Allison K.H., Chen Y.Y., Jensen K., Johnson N.B., Oesterreich S., Mills G.B., Cherniack A., Robertson G., Benz C., Sander, C., Laird P.W., Hoadley K.A., King T.A., TCGA Research Network, Perou C.M., (2015) Comprehensive molecular portraits of invasive lobular breast cancer, Cell, 163, 2 506-519
- Oricchio E., Ciriello G., Jiang M., Boyce M.H., Schatz. J.H., Heguy A., Viale A., de Stanchina E., Teruya-Feldstein J., Bouska A., McKeithan T., Sander C., Tam W., Seshan V.E., Chan J., Chaganti R.S.K & Wendel H.G. (2014) Frequent disruption of the RB pathway in indolent follicular lymphoma suggests a new combination therapy. J. Exp. Medicine, 211, 7, 1379-91
- Ciriello G., Miller L.M., Aksoy B.A., Senbabaoglu Y., Schultz N. & Sander C. (2013) Emerging landscape of oncogenic signatures across human cancers. Nat. Genetics, 45, 10, 1127-1133
- Ciriello G., Sinha R., Hoadley K.A., Jacobsen A.S., Reva B., Perou C.M., Sander C. & Schultz N. (2013), The molecular diversity of Luminal A breast tumors. Breast Cancer Res. Treat., 141, 3, 409-420
- Ciriello G., Cerami E.G., Sander C. & Schultz N. (2012), Mutual Exclusivity Analysis Identifies Oncogenic Network Modules. Genome Res., 22, 398-406
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